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                Famous luggage brand in China
                Service Hotline: 0086-020-66607855
                +86 15815855866



                Choose the right city and achieve a career

                Guangzhou, the commercial capital of South China, the creative city

                In 1994, Leaves King started from here. After more than 20 years of accumulation, Leaves King is famous all over the country for the production of travel trolley cases and luggage accessories.

                The company has invested heavily to create the most advanced computer testing center for trolley cases in China, with roller impact testers, shock impact testers, drop and walking test ceremonies.

                Over the years, Leaves King has always engraved the concept of high-quality products in its products with an international vision.

                All products of its brands are personally designed by well-known designers from Japan, the United States and Europe.

                World-class patent awards, international quality management authority certification;

                Top design, first-class quality,

                Build a veritable "trolley case kingdom" together!